Friday, December 14, 2012

Sobriety Checkpoints

My colleague Lauren Klein discusses an article from Austin YNN about passing two pieces of legislation that could possibly save lives. Mother's Against Drunk Driving (MADD) have asked the legislature to pass laws allowing police officers to enforce sobriety checkpoints so they can check for drunk drivers. It is said that these checkpoints could save 200 lives here in Texas each year. I personally think this is a good idea. People can easily get into their car after a night of drinking, cause a car accident, and kill themselves and others. I don't think enough is being done to prevent this issue and any possible prevention should be attempted. How will we know if this works if it is never tried? There should also be more punishment for those convicted of drunk driving. It is easy for someone to continue to get DUI's. How many is too many? ONE! But there are cases where some individuals have 8+. I think drunk driving is a big enough issue that any means of prevention is necessary. Put these checkpoints in place and let's see if we can save lives.

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